If you're going off to college or university, you may end up living with a roommate. Having a roommate can be a seminal part of the experience, but it can also be a source of stress and conflict. We'll give you some tips.
9 octobre 2015
If you're going off to college or university, you may end up living with a roommate. Having a roommate can be a seminal part of the experience, but it can also be a source of stress and conflict. We'll give you some tips.
Many kids today have never shared a room until they hit university. The idea of living with someone else's mess, smells, and personality in a tiny room can be disconcerting. Here are some tips to make it easier:
If after meeting or talking over the phone you really think that you and your roommate are oil and water, contact the university to find out about getting a transfer.
Okay, so you're getting along great with your roommate, but what about the rest of the dorm? If you want to make friends you'll have for life, consider leaving your dorm door open. Other students will be more willing to stop by if there's no barrier that suggests "Don't bother me."
Going off to college or university is incredibly exciting. But there are still important considerations to be made. Use this guide to inform your choices so that you can truly get the most out of your post-secondary experience.
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