Purchasing equipment for your kitchen can be pricey, especially when you don't know exactly what you'll need. Here are three quick tips to help you choose the right kitchen tools without breaking your budget.
9 octobre 2015
Purchasing equipment for your kitchen can be pricey, especially when you don't know exactly what you'll need. Here are three quick tips to help you choose the right kitchen tools without breaking your budget.
A lot of manufacturers of kitchen gadgets, as well as the stores that sell them, would have you think you simply can't cook without this or that gizmo. What you never hear is that one cook's cool tool is another cook's clutter.
Which side are you on, wood or plastic? The war over which type of cutting board is safest has entered a new phase: it's a draw.
Many recipes call for using cheesecloth to strain things, but many chefs use paper coffee filters instead.
Keep these tips in mind and make smart choices to get the tools you'll need for less!
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