Ontario is highly diverse ethnically, and language can often hinder collection efforts. Working in communities in Ontario, Capitol Credit Recovery has a wide range of experience in collecting overdue debt. Our experienced and polite team include legal debt collection and litigation specialists as well as expert collector’s adept at helping debtors to resolve their obligations promptly.
CCR is a regional full-service debt collector and Collection Agency in Ontario, and we are licensed and bonded under the Collection Agencies Act of Ontario and service the entire area of Ontario respectively. We also have reciprocal arrangements within Canada and the United States to allow coverage both nationally and internationally. We provide debt recovery and commercial debt collections to creditors nationwide.
CCR has state of the art collection software, reporting and skip tracing tools. We also can access and report delinquent consumer and commercial accounts to the national credit bureaus. As a collection agency, we work hard in recovering overdue debts professionally and discreetly.
Operating a collection agency in conjunction with the Collection Agencies Act, being efficient and productive at what we do is vital. We believe that as debt collectors, excellence is critical. We are working hard and doing what it takes to ensure your client’s debt owed is collected. We go the extra mile to build relationships whose principal ideals are trust and diligence that is beneficial to both parties. We also strive in attaining collection success for each of our clients (big or small), with strong dedication and commitment.
The CCR collection system is second to none. We collect faster and more effortlessly for you than other collection agencies. With the know-how and pure skills in collection services, we thrive in our field and with our proven systems, allows us to bring concrete results quickly.
Many collection agencies use only letters and automated dialers with unskilled collection personnel, effectively collecting from a letter program and falling short of providing the full service necessary to maximize recovery for your accounts. Other agencies send letters and exercise the legal option. Capital Credit Recovery uses experienced account representatives utilizing every option available to us to investigate credit score, financial profiles of your debtor’s situation to provide you with the best recovery rate possible. We have advanced tools and resources that help us provide an incomparable level of service to recover overdue credit card debt, invoices and other types of debt. Our CCR innovative collection software provides CCR professionals with the best available tools for payment recovery.
We promise to efficiently collect the unpaid debt to your company while preserving the integrity of your customer relationships. The extensive experience, knowledge, and our team of professionals make the collection process smooth and seamless, and this indeed defines our exceptional service.
CCR has no set-up or initiation fees and is not a prepaid collection service. As for the actions that deliver results – call or email us today, place an account for collection and see it for yourself! The proof is in the performance. We only earn a fee when money is collected for our clients. We love a challenge! Call us at 1-866-281-3872 or use the contact us form for further information.